Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So, I've been working on developing a granola recipe that I love.  Since starting the adventure with Elizabeth I can't bring myself to buy pre-made granola, and my Greek yogurt is getting lonely.

I've gotten some advice from other granola-ing friends and tried some different versions based loosely on recipes I've found around the internet.

But today I found sweet success and a leap in the right direction.

This recipe is the result of a few changes since my previous efforts:

  • Removed walnuts: their flavor is too intense and overrides all the other subtle flavors.
  • Added more honey and brown sugar: to increase sweetness and chewiness.
  • Reduced the amount of cinnamon: it's so spicy and can quickly take over the flavor.  I wanted only a strong hint.
  • Left out maple syrup: only because I didn't have any.  I would keep it in there...probably about 2 tablespoons to a 1/4 cup, and reduce the honey proportionally.
  • Used part quick oats: again, a product of what was in my pantry, but I think the finer oats also help create clusters, which I like.
It came out fabulously.  Just the right combo between chewy and crunchy, and it actually formed some decent clusters!  Try it.  I think the big key at the end is to remove the granola from the oven right as it starts to be toasting all over (you can smell it because some parts will toast faster).  And then just leave it to cool completely before you put it in an airtight container for storage.  This produces toasted, but still chewy and not burnt-tasting granola.

If you have any granola-ing advice, please send it my way!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


For the record, I am completely overwhelmed at trying to begin blogging after spending most of the summer in Milan, Italy--taking in too much doing/making/seeing/tasting to possibly tell in any complete way.  Not that anyone exactly reads this, but for my faithful friends (thanks for subscribing Michelle), I'm just going to jump back into it.  This way I can get on with life and sharing the lovely things I'm experiencing as I return home for a New England summer.  And perhaps an Italian post will show up from time to time.

To give you a tiny taste of Milano, here's some pictures of the FLOOR of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.  It was stunning and is constantly being repaired and refreshed (just like the Duomo that stands a few hundred yards away).
I did a whole lot of walking in this city.  A whole lot of dusty, grimy, dog-poop dodging and walking.  But this was by far the most beautiful surface I crossed.